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  Function            liteunlite - unhilite a litebar menu command

  Syntax              void liteunlite(struct litebar_header *lh);

  Prototype in        menuhk.h

  Remarks             displays a litebar menu command in its unhilited

                      This function is used internally by several
                      litebar...() menu functions.

  Return value        nothing.

  Note                This function is for internal uses only.

  See also            menuhk.h
                      changelitebar(), isHiliteable(), litebar_alloc(),
                      litebar_free(), litebar_get(), litehilite(),
                      litemessage(), menu_litebar()

See Also: litehilite()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson